Saturday, October 14, 2017



Monday, October 2, 2017

Why I'm Studying Japanese

My interest in the Japanese language was sparked by my dad. He wold watch Japanese anime and films, and I, being the curious child I was, would often sit down and watch despite having no clue what was going on the screen. Thus, I grew up hearing Japanese a lot and developed a pleasant association with not only the language, but the culture. I would have learned Japanese in high school, but there wasn't a class available, so now I'm learning it in college along with a history of Japanese civilization class. Within this past month, I've really enjoyed the process of learning a language from scratch. While this makes it especially challenging (far more so than when I learned Spanish, being that my family actually speaks Spanish), the learning process is reminiscent of when I was in learning English back in grade school. For instance, when I practiced hiragana, it kind of reminded me of when I learned cursive in the third grade and had to trace letters over and over again. It's difficult and even tedious at times, but fun. Ultimately, I believe this will be a very rewarding experience and I can't wait to learn more!

